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Very cute, I love it :)


You should release a full asset pack and sell them. These assets are great


Thank you. I am planning to make some dungeon tilesets next.

Hey man, that assets is great! Do you think I can use it for making a full tutorial for a RPG on YouTube / Udemy?

Thanks! I would be okay with that as long as I was credited somehow.

Oh you'll definitely be credited for sure! I'll give your name, link to the page of the assets and your twitter handle. thank you for your response :)

I've downloaded it and spent a wonderful two hours of my time getting to play around with this pack. It's very, very good.

Thank you so much, I'm so happy to hear that!

very nice, i love the perspective

Well shit, i've gotta make something with this. It's just too damn good

I love it

Wow! Thank you so much

This is absolutely divine! So cozy :D

thank you! <3


Great quality! ๐Ÿ˜


thank you! love your work!

Lovely ๐Ÿ˜